Weekly statistics on court attendance, community safety rates for individuals awaiting trial now available on Circuit Court of Cook County’s website

Announcement, Press Release |

The Circuit Court of Cook County’s recently redesigned website now features weekly statistics on court attendance and the rates at which defendants avoid new charges while on pretrial release.

The Pretrial Fairness Act (PFA) Dashboard provides a cumulative summary of several initial decision points for criminal cases filed in the court since the PFA took effect on Sept. 18, 2023. The dashboard will be updated weekly to support transparency, inform the public of how PFA is being implemented at the local level, and to facilitate long-term evaluation and assessment of outcomes over time. 

“The preliminary data on the dashboard indicates we were well-prepared to implement the law. Initial statistics indicate that our jurisdiction has reduced the number of defendants in custody, and that the majority of defendants on pretrial release are doing what they’re supposed to be doing – going to their court dates and staying away from criminal activity,” said Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans. “This is positive news, both for public safety and for justice.” 

The dashboard also presents data on all misdemeanor and felony case filings in Cook County, including statistics on all defendants who are cited and released by police and the types of offenses alleged to have been committed by those on pretrial release.

Media Contact: ocj.press@cookcountyil.gov 
(312) 603-5414

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