Accessibility Services

The Circuit Court of Cook County provides accessibility services to ensure that everyone — regardless of needs or ability — gets fair access to everything they require to easily participate in court events. The Circuit Court of Cook County is committed to providing persons with disabilities with reasonable and appropriate accommodations consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other state and federal laws. All Cook County court facilities are ADA-compliant. 

The court has several Accessibility Coordinators who assist people with disabilities involved in court proceedings, such as jurors, witnesses, litigants, lawyers, and court observers. This means providing services like sign language interpreters, devices for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, live captioning during events, and more. 

The court also ensures that every courthouse follows accessibility rules and manages special rooms, like Lactation Rooms for nursing parents and Children's Rooms for court participants who require childcare to participate in court activities. (Note: Location-specific details for both of these services can be found on Courthouse Location pages.)

For all foreign language translation needs, please contact the Interpreter Services Department

The court gives primary consideration to the requests of individuals with disabilities. Primary consideration means that the court will honor the choice of the individual, unless the court demonstrates that another equally effective accommodation is available, or that the requested accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration of court activities or undue financial and administrative burdens.

Contact the Court Disability Coordinator