Adult Sex Offender Program

The Adult Sex Offender Program (ASOP) is a specialized probation program that provides intensive, coordinated, and comprehensive supervision for individuals convicted of probation-eligible, felony sex offenses. ASOP supervision is a sentencing option focused on holding individuals accountable for their behavior, while promoting effective treatment to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. This approach includes long-term treatment with dedicated treatment agencies, enforcement of required registration with federal and state databases, and high-intensity surveillance to monitor compliance with conditions. Individuals supervised by ASOP are monitored by specialized probation officers who conduct increased office and field reporting, curfew with electronic monitoring, and regular searches for unauthorized sexually explicit material.

Adult Sex Offender Program Supervision Strategies

This program follows a phased structure, with more intensive oversight and surveillance from the probation department in earlier phases. As individuals progress through their treatment plans and demonstrate compliance with the restrictive conditions, they may advance to less restrictive phases of supervision. Given the nature of these offenses, the more advanced phases of the Sex Offender Program are equivalent to the highest risk supervision approaches for Standard Probation.

Supervision techniques in this program rely on the use of cognitive behavioral interventions and relapse prevention to help individuals address denial, accept responsibility, and become aware of the harm caused by their actions. These techniques are supported by the potential for additional legal consequences of non-compliance, including additional criminal charges or incarceration.

Special conditions of the program include:

  • Consenting to searches of person, vehicle, residence, and electronic devices
  • Submitting to regular polygraph analysis
  • Curfew compliance with an electronic monitoring device
  • Registration with all applicable databases
  • Not residing with the victim or any minor child, unless approved in advance by the court
  • Not communicating with the victim or any minor child, unless approved in advance by the court
  • Participation in therapeutic interventions, including sex offender treatment