Effective Practices in Community Supervision Program

Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) program is a Risk-Needs-Responsivity model using specially-trained probation officers to implement a structured approach to their interactions with individuals under supervision. This training emphasizes the use of principles of effective intervention and core correctional practices during interactions with clients. EPICS supervision is a sentencing option for high-risk individuals and those with an elevated risk for violent recidivism. The program uses supervision strategies designed to reduce the recidivism for these populations, including reduced caseload sizes and cognitive behavioral interventions. Probation officers in this program have received intensive training in the EPICS model, which includes ongoing skill building and coaching.

EPICS-specific interventions include the use of the structured EPICS model for contacts, the use of Core Correctional Practices, and the use of Motivational Interviewing techniques to support behavior change.

Eligibility for EPICS

Eligibility for EPICS supervision is determined through a screening process that can happen before sentencing or after a case is assigned to Adult Probation. Individuals may be screened for eligibility before sentencing at the request of the court, the State’s Attorney’s Office, or the Public Defender’s Office. An EPICS probation officer will complete the eligibility assessment, which includes the department’s risk and needs assessment. A determination of eligibility and a recommendation are presented to the court prior to sentencing. Existing probation clients may be transferred to the EPICS program upon review of their case and a determination of eligibility.